When people notice 

Today was a struggle, but at the end of it, I feel as though the world is a better place then yesterday.

It started yesterday when my back decided to turn one hundred, leaving me lying on the floor by the door unable to move. I was laughing and crying, as my husband threatened me with an ambulance.

I told him he was silly, and just lay there until I could inch my way to the couch. After a few muscle relaxants, Tylenol, and Advil, I was able to enjoy sitting on the couch with only 3/10 pain. Getting to the bathroom was another matter altogether….

I hoped for a good nights sleep to cure everything, praying I would wake relieved from my discomfort.

Nope. Still there. Wondering when it was exactly that I’d become that person, I slowly rolled and inched from lying to sitting, then walked gingerly to the bathroom. I showered, and ensured I took everything downstairs that I’d need. I knew I couldn’t handle stairs twice.

I sweat my way down the stairs one slow step at a time. My smart husband refused to let me drive. For once I didn’t argue, causing him to worry I was dying, and offernto carey my purse.

I went to work, and every single person asked what was wrong. Everyone, from the janitor to dementia patients to small children. For the first time in my career, I found myself reassuring people that I’d be okay. And I was touched that they actually were worried about me.

I must have looked awful, but it reinforced basic human decency to me at a time where I was beginning to wonder. My friends and family were amazing, and I think I can maybe tackle driving to work tomorrow, knowing that people will miss me and not just what I can do for them.