Truth is relative 

Full of anticipation I went into battle today, before being struck by a thought that hit me after a quick browse on social media

Truth is relative.

I’m reading item after item where people are passionately defending their point of view, 

convinced it is the only true way to view the world.

Others pick up the challenge as issued, ready to fight to the death like it’s thunderdome;

Two men enter, only one man leaves.

But life doesn’t work so simply. 

It’s not black and white.

Because we are all products of our life experiences, we are all completely unique. We may have some things in common with others around us, but we don’t have everything in common, 

which causes friction.

We see the world uniquely, through one set of eyes. And because of this, we never know what someone else is seeing. 

It’s just not possible.

But due to the faceless nature of typing through a keyboard, 

wars are waged daily, 

amplifying the stress and pain in the world.

Whatever happened to trying to understand others? When did life become about everyone fighting to explain themselves and talk over the other, 

pushing them down to lift yourself up?

I see examples of this on a federal level, on union levels, on the level of the parent around the block or the coworker or the comments on the news.

No one is better than anyone else,

but maybe,

just maybe,

If we take the time to see the meaning behind someone else’s words,

Instead of duelling strangers, 

we could have two people who have expanded their understanding of the world,

shifting their view away from themselves long enough 

to see the value in someone else, making the world a more flavourful place to live