I’m having a hard time falling asleep without hearing “Toss a coin to your Witcher” playing repeatedly in my head.
I had the bare minimum of knowledge of the series prior to watching the Netflix original version of it (Thanks Shauna Lee!) and I’m grateful, because it’s helped me follow the rather confusing first few episodes
(mostly due to the time line, which plays a little fast and loose with things.)
I’m captivated by the entire thing.
It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a show that made me not want to go read a book instead, but Witcher is a success if they want me to have to dnf my library books.
(sorry Cal Newport- learning about deep work is nowhere near as exciting as watching Superman fight monsters)
Now I’m alternating between impatience to find out what happens next and wondering if I’ll ever write anything that good.
I hope so!
But for now, I’m going to go toss a coin to my Witcher and see if he’ll protect me from some zombies and stuff.
See you when the season is over.