The tantrum

Another family day, but this one was slightly derailed by a cold.

Once again, the little man was up from about 2 am onwards with that horrible itchy cough that always portends a wonderful day ahead.

We got up for the day by 430, as sleeping through his coughing is hard for me, and impossible I imagine when you’re the one coughing.

He looked well enough that we decided to go ahead with the Sunday funday water slide/McDonald in Banff plan, and so we did

And things went well, for awhile.

Then all my fun was completely thwarted when he cough puked at the pool.

Luckily? I caught it, kept it out of the pool and got him to the change room.

Needless to say, the swimming fun and water slides were over.

We went ahead with the McDonald’s drive through and enjoyed the ride home as two out of three of the kids napped.

The sun was out, the mountains spectacular, and our abrupt departure was forgotten.

Until we got home.

The poor little guy was so tired and overwhelmed that he spent more than half of the time between two and eight having full on tantrums.

Even as my ears ached and my head wanted to explode, I watched as his emotions overwhelmed him and felt so bad.

To feel things so intensely, with no filter. The good so amazing, the bad so painful.

While they are growing everyday, some moments are okay to skip through, and this kind of afternoon is one of those.

For today, I’ll focus on the time before and after the pool-puke, and erase the afternoon from my memory bank.

Because I’m okay not having any memory of that part of child rearing.