The day off

Glorious day!

 A full day off work, without any patients scheduled or any child duties to attend to.

So naturally, I spent the day doing paperwork, meetings, and going through patients lists. By the time four pm rolled around I had a huge headache that the crisp taste of a passion fruit iced tea could not quite budge.

I’m wondering if it’s from the glasses pushing behind my ears. Maybe I need to bend the legs a little.

No! Don’t touch the legs! I get caught, talking to myself outside Starbucks and scratch my head in a way I’m pretty sure reinforces the crazy.

While today wasn’t full of any deep profundities, I was satisfied to put the finishing sentences on my fourth book, and even go back to re-revise my first. Maybe one day it’ll even be ready to be read by others!

Until then, I shall keep plugging away at all the paperwork and try not to die the death of a thousand paper cuts. 

Until tomorrow.