The best day ever

Some days you just wake up feeling motivated.

For some crazy reason, I decided I was going to drive us all to the mountains to swim at the hotel with the water slides.

Now, normally when I get a hankering for family time, I finish the day wondering what the heck was wrong with me, and do I need my delusions reviewed by a professional.

Today, however, was magical.

While the kids did their fair share of kid-related complaining, they were in good moods, and being as nice to each other as three kids within three years from start to finish can be.

They swam while my three year old spent the entire hour at the pool with an ear-to-ear grin.

I’ve never seen a happier kid then he was there, watching the water come out of the slide, or when he went down the slide with me.

On the flip side, I’d never seen a more “oh crap” face than I did in the change room mirror, when I realized the diaper bag that he uses daily, that’s always packed for daycare,

had ZERO diapers in it.

And that’s when I decided we were potty training, and stuck him in a pair of his older siblings underwear, and prayed for only pee accidents.

He was thrilled, promising not to pee in them until we got home. I stole a pair of swim pull-ups from the front desk (in case of a code brown) and we headed out.

They left the pool relatively easily, considering how much fun they’d had, with the promise of McDonald happy meals luring them out, like small woodland creatures following a trail of breadcrumbs.

By the time I got back to the car with the food though, the little guy was passed out, so we meandered home instead of stopping at the park we’d planned to stop at.

When we arrived home, the three year old had napped for an hour and a half, the five year old for an hour and daddy for almost two, five or take.

We grabbed a diaper (no accidents! Woo hoo!) and then proceeded back outside in a warmish March day. The snow was deep, but that was part of the fun on the slides.

A bath topped off the day’s adventure, followed by fun on the “beach”, which was blankets on the kitchen floor and running around in underwear.

Apparently, we actually are potty training, with the six year old helping with alacrity, and the three year old actually doing everything they told him to do.

Some days, you feel like you’re winning at parenting. This was one of those days.