The aphids

Today, we went to the lake.

We anticipated a day of riding bikes and possibly playing near the water, although most likely it wouldn’t be warm enough to swim.

We drove up, grabbing breakfast along the way and the kids ate contentedly while we drove, watching a movie and allowing the adults to talk for a change.

We picked up lunch to share with Grandpa at the lake, and arrived, anticipation overflowing from each of the kids.

But as we drove in, we saw clouds of bugs filling the air. Swarming on the buildings as we passed, I felt my eyes widen from the sheer numbers.


Small, but in a group mighty, they filled our noses and ears, tickling as they made the air hard to breathe. We quickly went inside, where we heard that this was considered normal at this time of year.

But there was nothing normal about the volume. We did what we’d come up to do, and set to rights our place after eating, then sadly turned around.

The kids were disappointed, but even they had a hard time wanting to play outside, and were easily mollified by promises of riding their bike to the park.

Such an important reminder of how it doesn’t always take the largest or most powerful creature to overpower or divert our dreams.

Sometimes, it is the small but plentiful problems that can waylay our plans.

But never fear, we shall return in a week or two, when time has done the job for us, and then we shall enjoy that sunny day.

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