Ode to the road
Sometimes I think I live in my car from point a to point B no matter how far. The sound of the road repetitive and dull strangely is my time relax in its lull. No matter the distance I always enjoy whether by myself, Or with my girls and my boy The road is my…
Little cat feet
Carl Sandburg was the one who said, “The fog rolls in on little cat feet.” Every time the fog covers the earth, I’m reminded of his words. It’s soft, silent, and yet immovable. It coats the world with mystery, makes me wonder if this is what it’s like, to carve out moments alone, unbothered by…
January 14th
Another Monday almost gone sitting at a red light, I consider the dawn. Thoughts are spinning in my head, of things I did, and things I said. The weekends once again a blur At least this time I thought of her. The her I mean is me, myself The one who comes after everyone else.…
January 14th
Another Monday almost gone sitting at a red light, I consider the dawn. Thoughts are spinning in my head, of things I did, and things I said. The weekends once again a blur At least this time I thought of her. The her I mean is me, myself The one who comes after everyone else.…
Early morning rush
It happens every day, at least, every weekday. First I wake up early, requiring a minimum of one hour before I feel capable of coping with the world at large. Coffee by now, no longer just an excuse but a requirement. I think back, to a land before children. When six am seemed impossibly early.…
The descent of Tuesday
I meant to write yesterday I did But already, The weight of my own expectations has me spinning a little, Tilting in the winds of responsibility like a small weathervane on the roof, with the storm approaching. Maybe it’s the quiet of the early morning, the sound of the clock on the wall ticking out…
Lazy Saturday
Saturday’s gone, the four hour work week a laughable idea. My attempts to relax and take my own advice failed miserably today- no sleep, a sick boy, even my effort to attend a yoga class horribly off track when I went to the class without a yoga mat…or gym bag. Somehow, I’d left the house…