Seventeen days left. I haven’t slept well in over a week, and I realize now, a little too late, that I should not be doing a preorder for my own sanity. My first launch. It feels a little like waiting to see my baby for the first time. What will they be like? Will they…
Fast forward
Today I was struck by how focused I’ve been this month. I’ve had a million things happening and I was scattered to the four winds, but I had the last few days where things seemed to Pause And I realized how much I’ve gotten done while feeling completely overwhelmed, sinking with my obligations. Today my…
Sail away
It’s a tired day today. Nothing wrong, no giant stressors, but tired, weary in my bones. I’ve caught myself dreaming of a real vacation today in a way that I haven’t for awhile. It feels like the last time I was free was forever ago, and I’m not sure how to get there anymore. How do…
Sometimes you have to start fresh, explore what you want from the world. Get away, and see the world through new eyes, as though each thing you encounter is unknown. When things get stale and your groove becomes a rut which becomes a hole, It’s time to start climbing until you can see daylight again.…
Warmth on a cold day
Thursday. What to write on such a normal day? It’s a thorny problem that sometimes plagues me on the journey to write daily. What to do when the inspiration doesn’t move me? When I can’t think of anything new or exciting? Go back to the beginning. It was a good day. I finished proof reading…
Frayed edges
Today ran smoothly, except for those moments when it didn’t. Small stressors, large outbursts from tiny tots, full of the will to disobey. Parental moods plummeting with each small tantrum and act of violence toward their sibling. The first full nosebleed related to a head butt, appearing slightly dented but hopefully with only cartilaginous damage.…
Friday is the crescendo of the week for the average worker bee, who has the 9-5, Monday to Friday gig. While not every worker has this luxury, it has a thrill for the average person. Dating back to our formative years from k to 12, we grow up looking forward to our ‘days off’, whatever…
The beast in the cage
The pet of dread is back, Seemingly out of nowhere, But I always know it lurks, waiting for its moment It pounces suddenly, out of a good day, Creeping inside and twisting, Making doubts rise up again Did I do the right thing? Was something overlooked? My concience berates me, continually uncertain. My memories…
Once again I’m in the storm before the calm, waiting for things to move onwards. I’m stuck in the middle where I anticipate big things. I’m at the end of editing for my first book baby, eager to polish it until it shines and send it out into the world to sink or swim. I’m…