Tag: word prompt

  • Heaven above

    Heaven above

    Indigo fought with the night As the clouds rose to meet them Strong and vibrant, They combined to create the sky, Viable only in unison

  • New Years intentions

    New Years intentions

    It’s the second day of the year, and I already have serious reservations about the list of “intentions” I’ve come up with for 2018. So far, it looks like I need to find about six more hours per day to accomplish my list. With that extra time, I should be able to work a solid…

  • New Year’s Eve

    New Year’s Eve

    Finally. The last day of another year almost gone. With the most bitter cold I can remember since childhood, I made absolutely no plans to go out or do anything. It felt a little strange, as it’s always been a night where I felt like I needed to be doing something. When I was a…

  • Communal space

    Communal space

    I lay in the bed I remember from so many years ago, listening to the soft sounds of my little one falling asleep. He went quietly tonight, without a whimper after becoming more and more wound up playing games with Pop-Pop. It was as if all the batteries ran out at once, and he gave…

  • Inheritance

    Everyone gets one Like it or not It can’t be traded It can’t be bought It comes from ages ago, Down through the DNA No matter your religion No matter if you pray We are all a product of generations before. Trapped by our genetics, for lesser or more. My eyes like my father, face…

  • Theory of a new day

    I have a theory. In fact, I’ve got a few. Each day is different, each day is new No matter the weather, or the people you see, everything is unique. At least, it is to me I’m a little older each day, And the world is too. While I grow and I change, the earth…

  • Hausfrau

    I was possessed by the spirit of a manic 1950s housewife today. That’s the only explanation I have for what transpired. I had a list as long as my arm of things I needed to get done. Some day, eventually. Not necessarily on a nice Sunday. But I woke up with the NEED to clean…

  • Mercy

    What is mercy at the end of the day? Is it better to give kisses than kicks? Is it the cool touch of a cup, on a hot summer’s day, a chair at the end of the road? Is it comfort in an old friend, or kindness from a stranger? Mercy is a quality which…

  • Friday family movie night 

    Friday is here again, with blustery cold weather that heralds the true beginning to the winter.  While minus 17 isn’t the worst I’ve seen, neither is it a temperature I enjoy. I eagerly anticipated the hibernation to come at the end of the day, breaking my plans to eat chicken and beans with naan and…

  • Three kids on a plane

    Today, I braved an airport with three children six and under, with a husband in pain and medicated from a bad tooth. It was delightful in so many ways! But let me back up. So I worked like a person trying to have a heart attack all week long, I squeezed an extra five people…