Tag: word of the day

  • Truth is relative 

    Full of anticipation I went into battle today, before being struck by a thought that hit me after a quick browse on social media Truth is relative. I’m reading item after item where people are passionately defending their point of view,  convinced it is the only true way to view the world. Others pick up…

  • Warmth on a cold day

    Thursday. What to write on such a normal day? It’s a thorny problem that sometimes plagues me on the journey to write daily.  What to do when the inspiration doesn’t move me?  When I can’t think of anything new or exciting? Go back to the beginning. It was a good day. I finished proof reading…

  • Early morning musings

    I’ve been waking up around 4am for the last week. A combination of a busy mind and butterflies in my heart, I think.  So much happening in the world around me, I just feel overwhelmed at times, and I think my subconscious needs a break from all the processing and restocking of shelves that happens…

  • Frayed edges

    Today ran smoothly, except for those moments when it didn’t. Small stressors, large outbursts from tiny tots, full of the will to disobey.  Parental moods plummeting with each small tantrum and act of violence toward their sibling.  The first full nosebleed related to a head butt, appearing slightly dented but hopefully with only cartilaginous damage.…

  • In sympathy 

    Sympathy. The word of the day smacked me over the head with its timing. We use the word so often it’s almost lost any meaning. In deepest sympathy. The words on every card to express what words can never fully capture. But the word itself connotes much more than I realized.  In trying to figure…

  • Prevailing

    One small mountain, One endless road. A never ending job, A slightly too heavy load. One upwards climb, One foot in front of the other. Showing up on time, Showing the strength of a mother.  If you have the will to overcome, If you have the fortitude,  You still may not succeed, but You have…

  • Friday

    Friday is the crescendo of the week for the average worker bee,  who has the 9-5, Monday to Friday gig. While not every worker has this luxury,  it has a thrill for the average person. Dating back to our formative years from k to 12,  we grow up looking forward to our ‘days off’, whatever…

  • The beast in the cage

    The pet of dread is back, Seemingly out of nowhere, But I always know it lurks, waiting for its moment   It pounces suddenly, out of a good day, Creeping inside and twisting, Making doubts rise up again Did I do the right thing? Was something overlooked? My concience berates me, continually uncertain. My memories…

  • Anticipation 

    Once again I’m in the storm before the calm, waiting for things to move onwards.  I’m stuck in the middle where I anticipate big things. I’m at the end of editing for my first book baby, eager to polish it until it shines and send it out into the world to sink or swim.  I’m…

  • Harvest 

    Yellowed leaves crumbling, dry cracked ground packed tightly. Weeds choke out the smaller plants, but the hardy push through, ignoring their competition. The true bounty hides underneath, waiting for the harvest  to elevate it to glory, Roots stretched deep,  absorbing life from below. Beets, carrots, and potatoes, hidden within the ground,  nourishing and silent.  Worth…