Tag: winter

  • December 30th

    December 30th
  • Boxing Day

    The day after Christmas has often been a bit of a let down, but this year our plans kept us ramped up. We were going on our fun family vacation, just because. The kids could hardly wait while we packed, almost equivalently excited as they were the night Santa was on his way After a…

  • First loves

    The sound of sobbing greeted my ears. In the dark, I thought I was dreaming But there they were, Crying as if their heart would break Their most beloved had left them Alone, To sleep without the warmth and softness Of companionship Even as I held them Rubbing their back while soothing The tears My…

  • Love…

  • Love…

  • Family and friends

    Family and friends

    It’s a later night than what I usually have but I’m wide awake, thinking about the day. Possibly some of that is due to the coffee I partook in, along with the decadent Nanaimo squares, but I think it is more due to how full my heart is (and yes, okay, my stomach too!) I…

  • Holiday hijinks

    Holiday hijinks

    A Hailstorm of holidays, A blessing of brownies Crafting by the dozen Turns frowns upside-downies When Santa arrives Everyone cheers And carols are sung With disregard to adult ears Another late night But that’s quite okay Because Christmas is almost here In only a few days I’m ready for sleep Even if the children are…

  • Christmas concert

    They stood up front Smiling with rouged cheeks and painted on noses, The reindeers and elves, Santa and Mrs. Claus too. Singing their hearts out, Shining like the diamonds They are to me and to you. Bouncing with pride When they see loved ones In the crowd Then cookies and the recap Another years tradition…

  • Northern time

    Northern time

    I was a new grad out on my own terrified by how much I still didn’t know I told myself I could look things up ask for help; Using bandages To mask my insecurity The reality was so different Initial terror faded in the face of hectic days, sleepless nights. Patch jobs, transferring patients elsewhere…

  • Mother bear