In a room with a thousand light bulbs One by one They turn on The light is blinding With its simple glow When only a handful appear Will I survive A full illumination? Am I ready To brave such a clear world? With trembling, tentative steps I stand on the stage And chin held high,…
Angel number 234
2:34 So many days these three numbers are the first thing I see. So, on a whim,I looked it up. It’s an angel number, something which apparently is sent to catch our attention, To tell us something important, or help us in some way with a problem. At 2:34 am, I rolled over to the…
Binge watching
Friday night
Falling into bed on Friday, I marvel at the changes the years have made. I’ve always loved early bedtimes, but now, Snuggling in the warmth of the bed, with my kittens and kiddos around me, it’s hard to concentrate. My youngest plays his games while I read, but listening to him talk proves hard to…