Tag: stress

  • Death and the Mother

  • Little boys

  • Mixed metaphor Monday

    Mixed metaphor Monday

    The start of another week has come, one week closer to holidays. My children are nearly dancing at breakfast, eager for the upcoming break. Or perhaps it’s the thought of presents which makes them wiggle in their chairs? I’ve chosen to spend the last few weeks of 2019 thinking about the direction I want to…

  • Family and friends

    Family and friends

    It’s a later night than what I usually have but I’m wide awake, thinking about the day. Possibly some of that is due to the coffee I partook in, along with the decadent Nanaimo squares, but I think it is more due to how full my heart is (and yes, okay, my stomach too!) I…

  • High water

    Today started far too early. I woke before the dawn, unable to still my racing thoughts. Monday’s are a struggle, especially with too little sleep. But even though my list of things to do is short, it’s left me somehow bereft, at sea with myself. I hold onto the board and wonder how I got…

  • Northern time

    Northern time

    I was a new grad out on my own terrified by how much I still didn’t know I told myself I could look things up ask for help; Using bandages To mask my insecurity The reality was so different Initial terror faded in the face of hectic days, sleepless nights. Patch jobs, transferring patients elsewhere…

  • Walk

  • Broken

    Iā€™m a well-oiled machine Except Parts are falling off Beginning to rust Overloaded Burnt out Struggling to hang on Emotions threaten Drowning out the light Burying me under The sky grows dark

  • Circles

  • On the ropes