Tag: purpose

  • January 1st, 2019

    January 1st, 2019

    Listening to the clock on the wall, the gentle tick, tick, tick soothing with its consistent, monotonous presence. The animals are restless today. Why, I’m not sure. Maybe they sense another new year is here, with the potential for all things great and small, all things bright and beautiful. Or perhaps they care not about…

  • January 1st, 2019

    January 1st, 2019

    Listening to the clock on the wall, the gentle tick, tick, tick soothing with its consistent, monotonous presence. The animals are restless today. Why, I’m not sure. Maybe they sense another new year is here, with the potential for all things great and small, all things bright and beautiful. Or perhaps they care not about…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Week before, week ahead

    Well, today’s the 5th and the beginning of a new week. Monday is here, but this time I’m full of anticipation instead of dread or fatigue. I caught myself waking up, checking the clock multiple times from 3am and on, finally getting up 5 minutes before my alarm. Last week was packed, work full but…

  • Purpose


    Pulled towards the light Caught in a tractor beam Each step one towards That which is inevitable A calling like none other Driven to duty Determined and unyielding Every day another day closer Infinity awaits

  • Driven

    What do you believe in?  What would you fight for, die for, give everything you have for? Is it a person, place or thing, do they love you back the same? Do you wake up every day,  eager to carry on? Or do you struggle to continue,  telling yourself, “Just one more day” Does your…