Tag: poetry

  • The dark

    Cloaked in darkness, Swirling in the night. Doubts creep out, unafraid of the light. Like vampires they lurk, gliding on air. Tyrants of thought,  opressors of care. Burdened by unknowing desperate for relief, oblivious to goodness, overwhelmed by their grief. Tamping it down only works for awhile. Inevitably it bursts forth, tired of it’s exile.…

  • Imposter

    What if they notice? realize I’m a fraud? Would they string me up, send me to my God? Will they judge me, lest they be judged back? The luggage of doubt  which I carry in my sack. With age comes experience, with experience dismay. I thought I’d get smarter, but I’ve got nothing to say.…

  • Driven

    What do you believe in?  What would you fight for, die for, give everything you have for? Is it a person, place or thing, do they love you back the same? Do you wake up every day,  eager to carry on? Or do you struggle to continue,  telling yourself, “Just one more day” Does your…

  • Internal motivation 

    What drives you? Where does your interest lie? Could you work all day? Or would it make you cry? What makes you get up and out of bed? Is it the lure of the dollar, or a desperate need for bread? Is each day a struggle to fulfill a basic need? Or is it a…

  • Spiral staircase 

    Life is a spiralling array  of coincidences, Intricate and complex. Each step leading to a staircase, Not knowing where it ends Like the house of Escher,  sometimes we walk upside down around a corner,  through a door leading nowhere, fall to the ground 

  • Slippery thinking

    Some days my mind is too small for all my thoughts, Struggling to hold them inside such a small box I try to grab hold of them, but they wriggle away, Like a hand full of minnows who just want to play The moment I capture one, it smiles and gives me a wink Then…