Tag: nostalgia

  • Thursday’s thoughts

    Thursday’s thoughts

    The weekly Thursday thought rolls around at five pm. Once again, I feel many years older than my age, confused why everything hurts and I’m so tired. And then I remember- I’m at the stage of life where a full day of the same kind of work drains me so much that by the time…

  • Midweek musing

    How did the week creep up so fast? Only two more days until another weekend and my to-do list has grown once again. The long weekend has gone and taken its usual toll, with fond memories and sleep deprivation all I have to show for it. Now I’m confused about where my time goes as…

  • Time to live

    Time to live

    A long weekend of friends and family, Another celebration of life and living Each moment trapped in the crystalline gel Of time Strung together With beads of wonder Watching children play and grow Friends grow and change and become more dear Moments of life and living As time moves onward Carrying us all in its…

  • The night before launch

    The night before launch

    Tomorrow is the big day. My fourth book launches, and it’s every bit as exciting for me as the day book one was born. I can’t believe four of my creations will be out in the world for others to enjoy- and I hope they do. We all tell stories, everyday. Some of us write…

  • Champion


    I am writing even though I know you will never read this. You’ve been gone so long, sometimes I can’t remember your face. But the memories we made together have guided me through life, a stalwart navigator on a sometimes stormy sea. I remember the times we spent together in childhood, when I would sleepover…

  • Giants


    I didn’t write yesterday. I thought about it, at least once an hour or so. But then instead, I found myself living, laughing and crying at talks given by insightful, amazing women with so much to share, Such wisdom and such humour. I’ve always thought that wit is something you can’t fake. You can study…

  • Live and death

    Live and death

    June 6th. I remember many things from today, but the event that touched me the most was when I was in grade 11. I was doing a project on radiology. I have no idea what it was about to this day, but I remember driving with my dad and my best friend to Brandon to…

  • Saturday slurpee

    Saturday slurpee

    Saturday is a day that can swing either way- deliciously relaxing or jam-packed full. Today mixed the two into a slurpy, almost as though when drinking a refreshing and delicious drink, when I’ve accidentally sucked all the flavour out and I’m left with only the sad, tasteless memories of my previously amazing beverage. While today…

  • Retrospective


    What do you have to look back on? Do you own a shelf of regrets, Or a wall of memories of families and friends? Times of celebration, birthdays and family reunions. Or does it show awards and achievements? When you look at them closely, were they alone, or with loved ones standing close by your…

  • Épuisé


    Some days I feel old, Exhausted and burnt out Wondering about life And full of self doubt When I slog though my day Fueled with caffeine and nerves I wonder what I did wrong If anything, to deserve Days of anxiety Nights so full of regret Thoughts about those I may have upset Worries of…