Another Friday here again, But this time, Sadness is my companion The pain of living Poignant and sharp Those I love, Those I don’t know Lives intricately torn apart Memories of the way They once were Now, at the close of the day All faded and grey I can still remember music Chords on a…
The relief I feel is deep and washes over me A wave on the shore of home I’m exhausted Yet enriched While in need of my bed, I’m so proud of my children Who were amazing again As we woke early and drove until supper Although occasionally one would break down, They handled the day…
Dog days
The dog days of summer So humid and hot Make you think about lounging, To take time to consider what you’ve got The air is so heavy Breathing is hard Except for the children Who still run through the yard We prepare too much food More than anyone could eat Corn and salads, With steak…
Hot summer memories
Sitting in the bathroom while the youngest sings “mommy shark doo de doo” In the bath, I’m left pondering the last 48 hours. It’s hotter than I can remember since I was a kid, and the internet service is painfully slow I didn’t remember how hot days could get, Surrounded by the lush greenery of…
Summertime, past and present
Sunday has always been family day, for as long as I can remember. We would get up, go to church and have a potluck, or go to my grandparents or even go home and spend time in the garden together. I remember beautiful spring days planting with my grandparents, summer days riding bikes with my…
Thursday’s thoughts
The weekly Thursday thought rolls around at five pm. Once again, I feel many years older than my age, confused why everything hurts and I’m so tired. And then I remember- I’m at the stage of life where a full day of the same kind of work drains me so much that by the time…
Midweek musing
How did the week creep up so fast? Only two more days until another weekend and my to-do list has grown once again. The long weekend has gone and taken its usual toll, with fond memories and sleep deprivation all I have to show for it. Now I’m confused about where my time goes as…
Time to live
A long weekend of friends and family, Another celebration of life and living Each moment trapped in the crystalline gel Of time Strung together With beads of wonder Watching children play and grow Friends grow and change and become more dear Moments of life and living As time moves onward Carrying us all in its…
I am writing even though I know you will never read this. You’ve been gone so long, sometimes I can’t remember your face. But the memories we made together have guided me through life, a stalwart navigator on a sometimes stormy sea. I remember the times we spent together in childhood, when I would sleepover…