Tag: motivation

  • On the precipice of sleep

    On the precipice of sleep

    Gentle exhales greet my ears; Whistles, grunts, and snores. Above and beside me, The sounds of life abound From the children I adore Although the day was full, A break from stress and toil, It is the simple things which most Ease the weary soul I close my eyes and drift away, Listening as life’s…

  • The descent of Tuesday

    The descent of Tuesday

    I meant to write yesterday I did But already, The weight of my own expectations has me spinning a little, Tilting in the winds of responsibility like a small weathervane on the roof, with the storm approaching. Maybe it’s the quiet of the early morning, the sound of the clock on the wall ticking out…

  • Sunday Goals and the weather

    I slept until 5:30 today. I did of course, wake up at 3 when my little one started to snore, Trying to beat the band, But through some miracle, (likely called exhaustion) I went back to sleep until 530. So of course, When I woke up the level of fatigue was much worse than a…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Fall cleaning

    Fall cleaning

    Day two of the adventure to declutter and transfer kid belongings went reasonably well. For starters, I was not puked on, which automatically made today a good day. I did get a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things that needed attending to, but somehow, excitement crept in. I realized that in order to…

  • Making a molehill

    Making a molehill

    I looked at my schedule for the week with a groan. It seemed at first glance to be an insurmountable journey, the Mount Everest Of responsibilities. I closed my eyes and shook my head, unable to comprehend that I would be able to get through it. Then I sighed, and broke it down, one thing…

  • June the 5th

    June the 5th

    I realized halfway through today that I was off work on Friday. And on Monday! For the first time in ages, I’ve planned a conference that is about being a well person. Technically it is work related, and I’ll get credit, but I expect to see a few familiar faces and others who I feel…

  • Driven

    What do you believe in?  What would you fight for, die for, give everything you have for? Is it a person, place or thing, do they love you back the same? Do you wake up every day,  eager to carry on? Or do you struggle to continue,  telling yourself, “Just one more day” Does your…

  • Fight Night

    I wonder what kind of drive it takes to want to be the best of the best. I like to make a decent showing, But I haven’t ever felt the need to be number one, as long as I’m not the last in line. Watching the fight tonight brought back the question, What kind of…