Tag: memories

  • Disney on ice

    We called the Ice Capades when I was a child, the amazing spectacle of people, synchronized on ice. I’d always wanted to go, but somehow never did even though I skated three times a week until I left home. I remember watching on tv specials the miracle that was this dance show on ice; how…

  • Problem solver 

    Saturday should be a sleep in day, but that never seems to happen for me.  I woke up a half hour earlier than normal, shrugged and went about my day.  I finished my first draft of book 5, did a list of things to do, did laundry, cooking, cleaning and childcare,  even launched my author…

  • Friday family movie night 

    Friday is here again, with blustery cold weather that heralds the true beginning to the winter.  While minus 17 isn’t the worst I’ve seen, neither is it a temperature I enjoy. I eagerly anticipated the hibernation to come at the end of the day, breaking my plans to eat chicken and beans with naan and…

  • Mom of Sam

    No one can put a statement out quite the way a stubborn five year old can. One minute an angel, the next a small and vicious demon child. I entered a quiet house today, unlocking the door with my delicious rotisserie chicken and Diet Pepsi.  (I’m trying to cut back, I swear) The next thing…

  • My Riff 

    My life’s a place of work  and laughter, both at the same time. Even on a Monday  when life is hectic, I find a place of joy inside.  A repeating riff of the variety of living. The good, the bad, the sad. Each day the same  but slightly different. Each aspect another facet  of the…

  • Lest we forget

    No matter where I am, what I’m doing, what’s been going on in my life, Today is a day that gives me pause, Reminds me of how many people have given their lives so that I can live in the luxury of a country where I’m not worried about my basic human rights. This isn’t…

  • Better late then never

    It stared at me, with its lack of eyes I gingerly cut it open, scraped it out callously Without remorse or consideration  Of the life it had lived. I taught my young the same indifference  And made that pumpkin Into the man it is today

  • Wrap up

    Our last day of our fun-family-vacation, and it felt just about right. We didn’t do anything crazy, we hardly left the house we were staying at, but we did enjoy ourselves.  The weather was so much better in Toronto than at home, which meant the kids enjoyed another 5 days of outdoor activity. I learned more…

  • Panacea

    Monday on vacation, brisk and sunny, coffee for me to wake up and enjoy my day. A day made more pleasant with the arrival of old friends.  We whiled away the morning as though time had never passed, made plans to get together soon, each of us stunned to realize seven years and more had…

  • Everyday holiday 

    My first full day off work, No calls, No paperwork. I can’t remember the last time that happened,  and feel vaguely confused that it did today. I walked to the corner Starbucks and accidentally got the full sugar peppermint mocha, along with gingerbread, egg and cheese sandwiches and cranberry bliss bars.  A seventy dollar smorgasbord and…