Internal motivation
What drives you? Where does your interest lie? Could you work all day? Or would it make you cry? What makes you get up and out of bed? Is it the lure of the dollar, or a desperate need for bread? Is each day a struggle to fulfill a basic need? Or is it a…
I’ve never thought of myself as an athlete, A little too slow, a little too soft. But I love to run, Feel my heart pumping Muscles working, The ache of a job well done. The calm that descends in the middle of a run, The peace that follows a cool down. The slap, slap, slap …
I remember what the word meant as a kid, as a teenager, even as a young adult. Popular was something everyone wanted, consciously or otherwise. It didn’t matter what group you ran with, you wanted to be liked, to be noticed, but in a good way. It doesn’t even matter what generation you’re from. We…
I feel so complete today. Overwhelmed with joy, Full of gratitude. The circle of life In the world around me. The sun on golden trees, Scent of fall in the air My child’s soft curls On my shoulder, Warm in the late afternoon. My love beside me, As perfect as at the beginning. My creation…
Seventeen days left. I haven’t slept well in over a week, and I realize now, a little too late, that I should not be doing a preorder for my own sanity. My first launch. It feels a little like waiting to see my baby for the first time. What will they be like? Will they…
Spiral staircase
Life is a spiralling array of coincidences, Intricate and complex. Each step leading to a staircase, Not knowing where it ends Like the house of Escher, sometimes we walk upside down around a corner, through a door leading nowhere, fall to the ground
Fast forward
Today I was struck by how focused I’ve been this month. I’ve had a million things happening and I was scattered to the four winds, but I had the last few days where things seemed to Pause And I realized how much I’ve gotten done while feeling completely overwhelmed, sinking with my obligations. Today my…
The Centre of the Universe
I watch my little one, So sure of his importance, He’s genuinely confused when he doesn’t get his way, Disbelief filling his face when he hears a solid no. My little planet, thinking he’s a sun, everything should revolve around him. He’s starting to realize life isn’t what he thinks it should be, a hard…