Tag: home

  • Time warp

    Time warp

    It was a weird day today. I remembered to write 2018 in everything, which is way ahead of schedule for me, but I kept thinking it was Thursday. As much as I love holidays, being off my schedule always makes me feel like it’s a day later than it really is. Everyone else feels like…

  • Cozy


    A cold front has crossed my path, bringing shivers to my soul. Slivers of ice drift across the road, hiding the road like it hides the memory of warmth form the summer so long ago And yet, When I arrive to a home full of golden warmth and light, Laughter and hugs greet me, Happy…

  • December 25th

    December 25th

    I’m lying in bed, stuffed to the gills, wondering how it’s even possible to eat as many items as we did tonight. It reminds me of a satire piece in a medical journal a few years ago about the “extra stomach” for desserts that appears, referred to as “the pot au creme.” While it may…

  • Communal space

    Communal space

    I lay in the bed I remember from so many years ago, listening to the soft sounds of my little one falling asleep. He went quietly tonight, without a whimper after becoming more and more wound up playing games with Pop-Pop. It was as if all the batteries ran out at once, and he gave…

  • Journey Home

    Journey Home

    The road is long Torn between the warmth ahead And the comfort behind It stretches out interminably And yet What lies ahead is worth the journey Home to my youth Home to family The struggle is half the enjoyment The destination sweeter For the effort required to get there.

  • The magic of the season

    The magic of the season

    When I sat down to rest for the first time tonight, I was struck by how miraculous life is. It’s been a long week of sickness, worrying about a few people who aren’t doing as well as I’d like, wishing I had the same kind of powers the people in my books do. I could…

  • Home


    No matter how long the road, or how hard the climb. No matter that the wind and rain may push me down. At the end of the journey, a light still shines, guiding me. My eternal compass shows me the way, To hearth and comfort. To the family I love. Waiting for me with warm…

  • The Great Vacation- Part 3

    The Ol’homestead Our first full day back at the place where I grew up.  My little dude had spent the night scratching in his sleep while I gently and repeatedly moved him back from the edge of the bed. He’s a vigorous sleeper, and often came dangerously close to falling off. He woke first, as…

  • Legacy

    Bombarded with soft projectiles upon entering the house, Tears over who gets first dibs,  barely mollified by promises to  leave and return, All for “first hug” priviledges I watch as my Boy talks  to a piece of cheese, hanging it up with a beep The Girls fighting over who gets to talk,  again  Stop interrupting…