Family Friday
Friday, June 1st. Today was a wonderful day. Maybe it was the caffeine, or maybe it was a sense of accomplishment guiding me through my day. For once, it felt like I was in a flow state, where everything went smoothly. I thought I’d be late between places, but instead, I had plenty of time.…
What do you have to look back on? Do you own a shelf of regrets, Or a wall of memories of families and friends? Times of celebration, birthdays and family reunions. Or does it show awards and achievements? When you look at them closely, were they alone, or with loved ones standing close by your…
Do you suppose If you juxtapose Good and bad You’ll get middle of the road? Or will It be Like shades of grey Without any light Or dark of day? If you mix extremes Sometimes it seems You end up with nothing Of consequence So remember this Chiaroscuro sense Best of friends Are white and…
My first birthday baby
Today was my first child’s birthday. The one who changed my life in indescribable ways. I’m as guilty as every other first time parent out there who didn’t “get it” until the moment that first tiny human broke all the rules. No longer was I free to sleep or exercise in my free time. Nice…
The other
We make assumptions Each and every day About where we work And where we play People we know And those we’ve just met About our dentist, About our dog’s vet Why are we wired To judge at first sight? Did this keep us safe From monsters in the night? Or is the fear of the…
Rocky Mountain Dreaming
It was a Saturday without complication. The crisp pine scented air filled my lungs with hope, and the bright sun lit up the mountains with glory. While I had work to do, my spirits felt lighter than they have for awhile, even through the phones calls and classes that took my morning and afternoon. I…
Long weekend blues
The first long weekend of the summer season is finally here. I’m feeling the weight of responsibility like a lodestone around my neck. Too many goodbyes this week, too many sorrowful surprises. My well is dry and needs a chance to be replenished, but alas, it’s not yet my chance. I’m on call until next…
My next 40 years
Well, here I am. Arriving at an age I couldn’t have imagined twenty years ago. Forty was so old then, dried up and established. I always thought I’d be an adult by now, but instead, I feel the same age, just more sore. Where’s the wisdom I expected to have achieved? Sure, I’ve got a…
Goals for forty
I’m back to the time of year where I start to make lists of my goals. Many people do this at New Years, and I do sometimes as well. But this time of year, when I’ve completed another revolution around the sun, makes me take stock of where I am and where I’d like to…
The tree
Time passes Rapid as the sea Rushing toward An old weathered tree When I look at its branches They don’t look like much Gnarled and twisted They lack a soft touch But while they may be rough And challenged by life I envy their simplicity As sharp as a knife Standing against the elements Proud…