Tag: freedom

  • Road trip

    Road trip

    Today was freedom on the open road Tired but fueled by coffee and dreams My thoughts to keep me company As I dictated a movie to myself Two girls against the world Magic at every turn Then turning around as soon as I arrived At my destination I picked up our oldest, Driving back the…

  • Middle Ages

    Middle Ages

    An interesting day, Morning spent alone with my thoughts and writing for company Feeling as though I had all the time In the world Then realizing it was already noon The Starbucks barista Excited at my name- My grandma has the same one! Ummmm, what? Excuse me? The moment where, For the first time, I…

  • The beach

    The beach

    Summer sun beat down As their squeals rang out Sand in the sandwiches And ants in their pants They frolicked the way Only children can Sand building castles Majestic and temporary Splashing with their compatriots As they stormed the shores With life jackets and inflatable boats Water too cold to swim long They dashed in…

  • Draws close, the end

    The scent lingers as I enter A hush over the room tells me I’m in a holy space I feel the weight of the air Silent and expectant Waiting For the moment when they shall usher Out an old friend I remember times when we spoke Good humour and wit And now I see eyes…

  • The night before launch

    The night before launch

    Tomorrow is the big day. My fourth book launches, and it’s every bit as exciting for me as the day book one was born. I can’t believe four of my creations will be out in the world for others to enjoy- and I hope they do. We all tell stories, everyday. Some of us write…

  • The thrill of the list

    The thrill of the list

    I’m positively giddy. Thinking about next week makes me smile. I’m not sure how or when I did it but I actually scheduled some time off and for the first time in forever, I FORGOT to fill it up! It must have been a week I mentally skipped, but now I have time to get…

  • The eve of destruction

    The eve of destruction

    The song, The Eve of Destruction, came on while I was eating supper tonight, and it stuck a nerve in a way it normally wouldn’t have. The news seems to be filled, everyday now, with stories of murder or suicide, countries ravaged by war or the latest, most heartrending event- children who are being forcibly…

  • Giants


    I didn’t write yesterday. I thought about it, at least once an hour or so. But then instead, I found myself living, laughing and crying at talks given by insightful, amazing women with so much to share, Such wisdom and such humour. I’ve always thought that wit is something you can’t fake. You can study…

  • Live and death

    Live and death

    June 6th. I remember many things from today, but the event that touched me the most was when I was in grade 11. I was doing a project on radiology. I have no idea what it was about to this day, but I remember driving with my dad and my best friend to Brandon to…

  • June the 5th

    June the 5th

    I realized halfway through today that I was off work on Friday. And on Monday! For the first time in ages, I’ve planned a conference that is about being a well person. Technically it is work related, and I’ll get credit, but I expect to see a few familiar faces and others who I feel…