Tag: freedom

  • December 17th

    December 17th

    More than halfway through the month again. This is the longest I’ve gone without downloading my thoughts in some form or shape. I haven’t blogged, I haven’t journaled. I haven’t really even taken time to jot a quick thought or poem down. Although I enjoy blogging daily, it has taken a backseat to the sheer…

  • Wednesday wonderings

    Only the seventh time I’ve written this month, which means I’m way behind in life in general. On my second course of antibiotics for the old friend who plagued me for most of my childhood years- strep, my nemesis. Even with tonsils out and a recent case, it found me again. I searched for which…

  • Canon in G

    Canon in G

    Another busy weekend full of laundry and birthday parties, running kids between activities while trying to get things checked off my own list. Then something strange happened today. For some reason, the space between my ears that usually tells me to pick up the pace said no- it’s okay. Today is to relax and breathe…

  • Renewed

    Tick, tick, tick The internal wind-up clock never stops Tock, tock, tock. Not enough time I look for extra moments In the day Finding none, I ration my breath As I rush from a to b Then c to d, And e to f, Holding it miserly, Like the gold it is Some days, I…

  • Renewed

    Tick, tick, tick The internal wind-up clock never stops Tock, tock, tock. Not enough time I look for extra moments In the day Finding none, I ration my breath As I rush from a to b Then c to d, And e to f, Holding it miserly, Like the gold it is Some days, I…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Week before, week ahead

    Well, today’s the 5th and the beginning of a new week. Monday is here, but this time I’m full of anticipation instead of dread or fatigue. I caught myself waking up, checking the clock multiple times from 3am and on, finally getting up 5 minutes before my alarm. Last week was packed, work full but…

  • Mondays resolutions

    Mondays resolutions

    On a Monday, I make new promises Like January 1st, But every week instead. I make my resolutions; I’ll eat my veggies, run again. I’ll finish my tasks Then relax in the sun again. How I miss being 28 Maybe, if I worked harder On each and every Monday I could turn back the clock…

  • Sun on falling leaves

    Sun on falling leaves

    A beautiful fall day unfolded as we drove through the trees, the brave leaves still clinging in shades of red and orange and yellow while their fallen brethren lay scattered on the ground. The sun was brilliant in cool blue skies, while the kids enjoyed the fall day, Pretending they weren’t even slightly cold as…