I love you, you’re perfect, now change
Sometimes when I think about the day, I feel a great sigh of release. Especially on fridays, I’m full of relief that another week has been successfully navigated, with all its obligations and hours somehow fulfilled. It’s late. I’ve just returned from Stage West, a dinner theatre that we have season tickets to. We bought…
The dark
Cloaked in darkness, Swirling in the night. Doubts creep out, unafraid of the light. Like vampires they lurk, gliding on air. Tyrants of thought, opressors of care. Burdened by unknowing desperate for relief, oblivious to goodness, overwhelmed by their grief. Tamping it down only works for awhile. Inevitably it bursts forth, tired of it’s exile.…
The last
One lonely leaf Drifts down, Gently settling On the ground Slowly it fades Into its peers, Orange turning brown Until it disappears Once bright green It’s life is past, come full circle Death arrives at last
August long weekend. And this year, it does feel that way. The mornings are getting cooler, and the leaves are starting to change, ready for the fall which feels like it’s just around the corner now. I’m back home now, the place I grew up, the first place I remember. Today was spent with family,…
The depths
I’m going to bury it, Deep down Hide it away from the light Tuck it in with darkness, And smother it with night If I can’t see it, will it die? Leave and never come out in the day? Or will it hide, out of sight And wait until the ground shifts, Until the dirt…