Silent Goodbye

I woke up this morning, 

within minutes 

feeling anxiety 

lodge in my chest. 
It was a deep discomfort, 

like I was forgetting something,

The tightness moved in to stay, 

deciding to inhabit 

the area around 

my heart. 
I’ve had this same sensation 

a handful of times, 

and now know what it means, 

although I wish it didn’t.
Each time it lasted a few hours

then passed, 

pressure lifting, 

vise loosened,

As though a final farewell 

had been given.
As I’d feared, 

another life had passed

from the world.

Why does this happen? 
Perhaps it’s overwork, or stress, 


It felt like a goodbye, 

Like the last attempt of a hand 

to have an impact

on the world of the living
Before moving on 

to the next stage

Leaving the world, and me 
