Qualm before the Storm

An uneasy feeling,

Best described by the prickles down your spine,

Racing pulse carrying the inborn fear of the dark,


Powerful and overwhelming, no one is completely immune

I fear so many things sometimes I wonder if anywhere is safe

Heights, falling, crowds, small spaces,

The dark

But like many others, 

I continue through my day, pushing those niggling thoughts 



Into the primeval vat of emotion and collective unconsciousness 

Once I dreamed of falling to my death as a child,

Not sure if it was real or in my imagination,

 the fear has stayed with me

Was it from a past life? I imagine it was.

I feel small spaces intensely, 

The air moving too slowly and too warmly next to my face.

Often accompanied with too many people,

I feel edgy and on guard,

Prepared to fight my way out like a Cornered Rat

Why do we fear what we fear?

 Is it remembered danger,from our prehistoric ancestors? 

Or things we learned long before we could speak,

From falls and frights long since soothed and forgotten.

Everyone has them,

Many cope well, many do not

And others at best have an uneasy relationship, 

Keeping a watchful eye in case they threaten  existence,

Never turning  your back