Memory work
I often wonder what is happening inside the head of the person sitting across from me at work. What synapses are firing, what chemicals are coursing through dendrites, sparking changes along the route. I remember learning about the process vaguely, in the old familiar yet forgotten way that applies to theorems in math class in grade…
Spring is here in the air and the pussywillows we see every day on the way to my child’s school. The wind has been up intermittently, and each time it takes my breath or throws grit in my eyes it reminds me it’s time for change. Spring is the time of year when natures brushes…
They tickle somewhere up near my throat, swarming in what I’m sure must be a beautiful pattern of drawn out o’s. I feel my stomach lurch, not enjoying the tickle of the wings as they brush by my heart, sending adrenaline coursing through. I take several long and slow breaths, trying to count to ten.…
Apple of my eye
I used to worry when I was a kid that if I ate the apple seeds from my apple at lunch, I would grow apples from my arms. I pictured myself, going outside in the spring, feeling my arms erupting in pain from hundreds of little places where branches would sprout out, questing towards the…
The car moved through traffic, following the line of vehicles moving through the downtown. The rain fell slowly, creating rivulets down the window as I watched the buildings as we passed.I’ve always loved the rain. Watching it come from the sky and clean the earth. Dancing in it When I was small we were the…
Gasping for breath Struggling for one more minute Like a fish on the sandy beach, trying to swim out of their element When is it too much? When is the moment where you sigh and let go? Breath leaving silently through lips now relaxed. Sight turning up, stars visible through the ceiling as consciousness expands…
Accident of birth
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how factors influence people. Things we don’t think about often, like birth order, or if you had a pet. The experiences we have in childhood continue to shape us throughout our lives, whether we acknowledge them or not. For some people, this is a horrible injustice. They have…
The fast pace of city dwellers. Stop and go, red and green. Wait only as long as needed, then darting off in all directions at once. I stopped. looked up. stared at the wonder of the red sandstone building many times my age. It stood overlooking the loosely controlled corner of humanity, where traffic ebbed…
Last night
Ok, I’ve always loved my sleep time. I was that kid who was asking their parents if it was bedtime, immediately after eating supper. My relationship with sleep is fond and it’s one of my favourite things. But not only do I love sleep, I also really love dreams. And mine are vivid, movie like…
Flight of thought
My mind feels still and quiet for a brief moment, like a bird resting on a branch covered in frost, silent in the whiteness of winter. Cut off from others, the unending access of internet and wireless and cellular interrupted for short moments. Work can not touch me here, no children to monitor. I sit,…