October Monday

First day of October,

and the roads were sure to let me know it’s time to get my winter tires on.

I was almost the person in the truck sliding off the road, but thankfully I felt the slip slow enough to ease off the pedals.

The rest of the day was the same as that moment- slightly grey and cold, interspersed with moments where my heart beat faster and I thought I was going to go over the rails.

But after all, it’s Monday.

And sometimes Monday has a lot in common with an icy road. It’s a little too fast.

Not overly enjoyable,

and leaves you with faint memories of the warmth of the weekend (summer)

Luckily, I’ve got my pumpkin spice latte to keep me warm, and home made soap with magic vegetables-

I got the kids to eat it by imbuing each vegetable with its own magic.

Corn is for strong bones,

tomatoes make you fly,

and celery for muscles.

Potatoes make you smarter

and carrots of course are for the eyes.

But mommy, what do the beans do?

Well, sweetie, those make you fart.

Needless to say, they ate all the beans

Now to remember to let the tooth fairy know

we have a delivery tonight.

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