Nature calling

Sometimes the noise of life causes us to retreat,

Draw deep within searching for silence

Space to think, to create, to become comfortable in our own skin

Life moves so fast, 

the pace unrelenting,

 the volume overwhelming.

Connected to others 24/7/365. So many numbers so many responsibilities so much splintering of attention

We wonder why children are anxious, hyper or misbehaved

What happened to the culture of childhood? Street lights meant supper, nature was our babysitter, our siblings our police while we ran free into the sun

What happened to being adults? If you were working no one bothered you, they couldn’t reach you when you weren’t home. 

Conversation at the supper table, game night at a friends.

Technology has burdened us with more and more and more,



promising us riches,

Fools good in the end

Let’s go back, to a slower pace. When relationships were done in person and the days were long and  nights were dark. 

Go back to friends and family next door, available with a shoulder for support

instead of a emoji

Turn down the volume on technology, and let the sound of nature back in