Nano and go!

November 1st is a day like any other day, unless you happen to be a writer. 

Aspiring or acclaimed, writers around the world join together in a common goal- to crush the inner editor, and just write.

Forget about the commas and the spelling, forget that your idea has holes big enough to drive a panzer through. 

You just put your butt in the chair and write. 

From November 2015 to now, I’ve written 4 complete books. It started as a whim, as the idea that I’ve been saying I would write a book ‘someday’ since I learned to read.

And then someday was November 1st, 2015. Two years and four books later, I’m in again, although horribly conflicted in a way I wasn’t the first year.

My conflicts still include family and work, 

the must haves that come before the want to’s,

But I’ve added an entire raft of other small details.

Now the question becomes how do I divide my writing time?

I’ve committed myself to blogging every day for a year, 

just to see if I can.

I’ve commited to finishing off the books I’ve had waiting for final touch ups 

and edits 

and completion.

I’ve committed to other projects through work with mid-November deadlines.

And finally, my want to list. 

I want to write book 5, 

I want to see where the characters in my world take me, the mystery that they are waiting to share.

But how to divide my time and effort so that everything happens? Is it even possible?  

Thirty days to get everything done. I plan to aim for the moon and see where I land. 

Wish me luck!