Making a molehill

I looked at my schedule for the week with a groan.

It seemed at first glance to be an insurmountable journey,

the Mount Everest Of responsibilities.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, unable to comprehend that I would be able to get through it.

Then I sighed, and broke it down,

one thing at a time.

Then I cut that task into smaller pieces.

Within minutes, I felt my spirits rise.

I had no more nor less to do,

but a weight suddenly was lifted.

The only thing that had changed

was my mindset.

Now instead of a mountain,

I was confronted by a gently sloping hillside.

Birds may not have been singing,

but my day got a whole lot sunnier.

Something else happened while I tried to change my thoughts-

I found extra time to myself.

So when I walked in the door at 9 at night to a quiet house,

instead of feeling burdened and defeated,

I smiled and got ready for bed,

Looking forward to the day ahead.