
What does it take

To pay homage to your hero?

How can you show them 

what they’ve done for you?
Shaping the way you think

and experience 

the world,

A hero can be anyone at all
I’ve had so many in my life,

I can’t even name them all.

I grew up surrounded by giants 

who walked among others 

as though they were the same.


They shone a bit brighter to me,

Seemed a little sharper

Knew just that much more.
I sat at their feet

questioning the world,

My thirst for knowledge 

rarely disappointed. 
As I grew, I began to realize 

they weren’t perfect, 

not omniscient or all-knowing,

But somehow, 

it didn’t matter.
My heros didn’t have feet of clay,

just flesh and bone like I did.

It brought me closer to them, 

knowing that I, too, 

could have an impact on the world.
And that maybe someday,

I’d be a hero to someone too.