Golden Days

Putting the day to bed, I take it out to examine it, polish it up and make it shine.

The morning sun warmed me during my early morning run while birds quarrelled and scowled at me, cawing their displeasure. Rabbits took off across my path, making me wonder what it would feel like to be a dog, chasing one with a wild joy. I smiled and kept going

The rush of before school, packing lunches and supervising breakfasts, quick shower then drop off the child at kindergarten before going to work.

Work- busy but full of laughter today. Funny people for staff, funny people for residents. Poignant and sad moments but they remind me we are all human and deserving and wanting love and respect 

Rush home, instead of doing paperwork, taking my beautiful kids to the zoo with a great sister in law, watching the children’s fascination with each different animal, squeals of delight topped off with an hour on the play structure 

Dragging them out as they get just a little overtired and obstinate, not wanting to leave but dark dirty circles around their eyes 

Sleeping in the car, 1/3 while the others fight it. Supper and shower to remove the days grime, three kids in a box with water is always dangerous but no injuries tonight. 

The youngest and the oldest curled up giggling on the floor wrapped in blankets 

Dad’s turn for stories while I finish paperwork with a two year old on my lap, snuggling until I finish.

More snuggles on the couch and lullaby of my own creation

Kisses and good nights and sweet dreams and sleep tights, just one more hug and kiss and question 

Golden day, shining with the light of life and love.