
What do you believe in? 
What would you fight for,
die for,

give everything you have for?

Is it a person, place or thing,

do they love you back the same?
Do you wake up every day, 

eager to carry on?

Or do you struggle to continue, 

telling yourself,

“Just one more day”
Does your soul fly free

when you think of it?

Or does it crush under the heels 

of regret?
Do you know 

where your purpose lies?

What makes you dedicate yourself,

to something outside your self?

How do you find that drive?
We all choose every day what

our aim will be. 

We can choose to be ambitious,

show commitment and resolve, 

to fight for the bigger goal,

strive for our dreams.
Or we can live a small life,

a calm life, 

a safe life.

Remembering that a hero dies 

but once.