
On a day like today I find myself struck by how different a day can be depending on the circumstances with which it unfolds.

One day can be stressful, 

dramatic or traumatic, 

leave one feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, 

alone and against the odds.

The same day with people around you helping goes by fast, 

everyone working towards a common goal or purpose, sharing the load. 

I feel very lucky, 

to like the people I spend my time with. 

We work together to make lives better, each and every one a different job 

but necessary.

From the person who makes the food to the one who bathes or dresses, the one who holds the hands or provides an ear to listen, or the exercises to strengthen limbs

Every person valuable,

Everyone indispensable.

It breaks my heart when I hear one put down another,

 via social media or word of mouth, tearing down the “other” 

to build up the “self”

either through jealousy, 

superiority or


That way breeds arrogance, 


 fractured teamwork that injuries everyone, 

making the day more painful and isolated. 

But today we are a team, 

and enjoy the fruits of a job well done.

Together we can change the world, one person at a time.