Category: Thoughts on life and death

  • New arrival 

    A new day. Like any other,  except for those that come  before and after. A slight change,  by degree if not design, suddenly the world is changed, richer? One more creation in the world,  it will ascend to a place on my shelf, In my heart, Maybe touch another on its way? My paperback newborn

  • Living the dream

    Excitement bubbled under the surface all day. Knowing that tomorrow I’ve achieved something I never thought I would has given me such an incredible feeling,  it was all I could do not to succumb to a state of anxiety and joy and just sit in a corner and wait. I continued with my everyday life…

  • The dark

    Cloaked in darkness, Swirling in the night. Doubts creep out, unafraid of the light. Like vampires they lurk, gliding on air. Tyrants of thought,  opressors of care. Burdened by unknowing desperate for relief, oblivious to goodness, overwhelmed by their grief. Tamping it down only works for awhile. Inevitably it bursts forth, tired of it’s exile.…

  • Imposter

    What if they notice? realize I’m a fraud? Would they string me up, send me to my God? Will they judge me, lest they be judged back? The luggage of doubt  which I carry in my sack. With age comes experience, with experience dismay. I thought I’d get smarter, but I’ve got nothing to say.…

  • The cold

    Oh man.  Rhinovirus is not just a funny sounding disease.  At least, I assume that’s what I have right now, based on the exceptional quality of the congestion and scratchy throat that I’m experiencing. Luckily, it was a light day. My six year old diminutive doppelgänger had her follow up with the ENT, and managed…

  • Memories of influenza 

    Today blurred as it picked up speed around me. I found myself writing random dates in people’s charts, and had to correct at least half before continuing. First it was the day, then the year, and finally the month that escaped me. Once I finally figured out how to write the date, it struck me…

  • Driven

    What do you believe in?  What would you fight for, die for, give everything you have for? Is it a person, place or thing, do they love you back the same? Do you wake up every day,  eager to carry on? Or do you struggle to continue,  telling yourself, “Just one more day” Does your…

  • To give thanks 

    Fall and thanksgiving are irrevocably connected to me.  Today, I fulfilled a long held need that I didn’t have just a few years ago.  It’s been building this year though,  a sense of nostalgia and separation, feeling sometimes as though I am leading my life  on a superficial plane, Working, sleeping, going through the motions, …

  • A food lovers prayer

    The holidays are hard on a waist, this much is true. Get enough people together, Food is the glue  My stomach stretched and overfull, my mouth with an elastic ability,  to eat past common sense, past the point of debility  As each holiday comes and goes, I warn myself thus; Don’t eat that much again,…

  • Thanksgiving 

    This weekend is one of remembrance and family for me. For many people in North America and around the world, it also leads into the holiday season in the Christian world. As the leaves turn shades of gold and russet, the weather chills and the smell of decaying leaves and dirt surrounds me.  I picked the…