Cabin fever

I’m not quite sure when I started this blog. I remember it was March, but I don’t know if it was the beginning or the end. So, to ensure that I achieve my goal of one full year, I’ll go above and beyond by aiming for the end of the month.

The thought of “what next” has been rolling around my head for awhile now. Now that the end is in sight, the question becomes should it be the end?

Or should I continue to challenge myself by writing something every single day, no matter how little I feel I have left to say some days?

Does it even matter? Would anyone notice?

Thoughts pile up on each other, like the snow outside that just keeps falling. It’s now the first weekend of March, and we are expecting up to 20 cm of snow.

Spring seems to be just a fond memory as the winter continues to assert it’s hold on my world.

And maybe it’s the winter that’s making me so restless. Living in the northern hemisphere, north of 50, my vitamin d must be low by now.

Maybe that’s it, just a deficiency of what the sun can give me.

Or maybe it’s time for another change. Maybe a new house, or a vacation, or a new book.

A multitude of ideas keeps the perpetual motion machine busy in my head tonight.

But I know that, no matter how I chafe at the never ending snow and ice outside, I have to be patient.

No matter how much I want to wake up to a sunny day with birds chirping on green trees, that will take time.

Spring is on the way, and with it, some much needed changes.

I hope!