Brassy and Bold

A whirlwind week with a fork in the road- the last instalment of my geriatrics course, the fifth weekend. I’m torn between equally strong emotions of happiness that it’s over and disappointment I didn’t do more while I was away. 

Each time I flew away, I couldn’t help but miss my babies in advance, causing me to book my ticket back  for the first available flight. 

I also continued to work when back, never really taking a break, which in hindsight feels old and staid.

But June is hitting me hard this year- the sun makes me want to fly! Touching down in Toronto it’s 21 and sunny and my girls are at the snack box and waiting. 

I’m staying at a hostel downtown tonight (the cheap kicked in when the rates at my favourite hotel climbed with the mercury) and I feel 21 myself for the first time in awhile.(well, 21 with mono maybe;)

So here I am- alone in the city, in a cab on my way to a hostel with my besties waiting for me and I feel like the summer is in my heart. 

It’s funny how you can miss those you love while feeling free and young at the same time.

Likely I will regret the snack box in the morning (I’m already a little sleepy!) but the idea of a patio and friends on an early summer night grows my smile to the size of the city.