Blue moon Monday

They say it’s Blue Monday,

the saddest day of the year.

My eyes have been dragging

all day long;

I wonder if it could have something to do with that.

More than likely

it’s related to my lack of sleep over the past few nights.

I should’ve slept,

there was no reason why not,

but although my eyes and body were tired,

the hum of nervous energy ran through my system.

Why is it that sometimes

it’s easy to fall asleep

and other times

your brain just won’t shut down?

There was nothing pending

of a life or death matter,

as far as I was aware.

My children slept well,

with less snoring than usual

since they started steroids for their giant tonsils.

But my brain is too busy these days it seems.

So many thoughts and goals and dreams.


if only there was more time in the day

and less requirement for sleep in the night,

maybe these nights

wouldn’t lead to such long days.

Hopefully tonight is better,

but as always,

it’s a roll of the dice.

As the sun sets on my way home,

I envy the perpetual machine

how it reliably rises and sets

regardless of anything in its path.

To be like the sun

with consistency

my sole mission.

But I think I would rather be like the moon,

constant but ever-changing.


the most interesting ideas happen

while staring into the night sky

waiting for sleep to find me.