A toddler in the mountains

A slow return to life

Aided by the sun

Morning shone down

As the nighttime was over and done

He scampered out of bed

Full of vim and vigour

While mother groaned instead

Feeling the years within her

The narcissism of a toddler

Full of self-importance

Knowing you are the center

Of the families entire universe

While your older siblings

Fret and try to escape

You’ve made the day more interesting,

With your superhero cape

The mountains rose beside you

But you pay them no attention

Instead you focus on the baby trees

And whisper hello in their direction

A fun-filled outdoor adventure

Made more exciting by

The things a toddler notices,

The activity that catches his eye

Today we saw some deer,

Mountains as well as trees

You enjoy the cows and horses

But loved your Tim’s grilled cheese

And as you snuggle up beside me

Blinking with all your might

I know I’ll let you sleep in my bed

And dream toddler dreams all night